I started this blog as a way to share my ideas, lessons, and resources with you! I understand and know so well the many many roles that we, as library media specialist adopt and perform.
Every day is a constant balancing act of running a library program, being a teacher (which commonly also means parenting at some point in the day), marketing your program, resources self and being a curriculum writer.
On top of that, I am sure that you are the parent who is then picking up your kids from school, making dinner, and making sure you’re household is running smoothly and efficiently! It’s a lot!
Despite having a demanding career and a demanding home life (parenting a 3 and a half year old); I know that I have the best job in the school building. I also know that you agree because while it is hard to balance and prioritize all of your roles; it’s also challenging, rewarding and fun.
While it would be convenient to have a curriculum to follow; it’s also nice being able to tailor and teach what you and your students love. In this blog, I share my ideas, lessons, and resources, and how I also balance teaching library skills with teaching technology, STEM, and design thinking.
I love my job because I can take my program in whatever direction that it needs to go in the moment.
The media specialist I am right now is very different than the media specialist I was ten years ago when I first started my career in a middle school in Washington, D.C. I am learning every day right along side my students and my own child. It is my desire to have a library media program that proves that media centers matter in the lives of children.
I hope you will join me in that journey and I hope that something I post can help you along yours!