Tired of reading the same books every year over and over again?!!? ME TOO! I know repetition is good for kids, especially when learning about those oh so needed routines…
Category: elementary media
Celebrate National Scribble Day in a Fun, Easy and Engaging Way
I only heard about National Scribble Day this year when I opened an email from our supervisor asking us to celebrate it in our schools. So naturally, I Googled it…

Integrate Technology with this Superhero Lesson Plan
The end of the year for me is all about ENGAGEMENT. I do my best to structure lessons around what I know interests the students. Allowing students to create their…
Dot Day Celebrations!
Coming up with original ideas to celebrate Dot Day is not always easy, especially when you celebrate it every year with Kindergarten, First and Second Graders. I enjoy rereading the…
Design Thinking, Innovation and Library Media
As library media specialists and technology teachers, it is absolutely necessary that as people and teachers we have the ability to adapt and change constantly. We are learning that in…
Best Resources for Elementary Library Orientation
Looking for new ways to do your library orientation for your elementary school students? I am going to give you some of my favorite resources that won't leave you or…
Family STEM Night Planning Guide: Run a Rockin’ STEM Night Without Making Yourself Crazy!!
As Library Media Specialists or Technology advocates in our buildings, we are always looking for ways to add value and add great programming to our school. Media programming is not…
3 Free Apps for Education You Can Use TOMORROW
If you are anything like me, you know there are TONS of great APPS that you can use in your classroom, BUT who has time to figure out how to…
Ten Teaching Affirmations for ALL Teachers
In the past year, I have been on a journey to better myself in many areas of my life. One way that I have done this is by incorporating a…

Engaging Your Students With Jeopardy
Two of my favorite times of year in library are Read Across America Week and usually the week at the beginning of June. These are the two times of year…