First off, you might be just wondering what the heck is Google Scoot and do I have the materials to use it in my classroom or library, so let me address that first in case you are crunched for time!
What is Google Scoot?
The classroom scoot game is played by giving each student a different card that contains a a question, math problem or different skill that you are teaching. Students solve the problem or answer the question on his or her desk and then scoot/move to a new seat to answer another problem or question. The appeal of the game is getting students up and moving while engaging in learning!
Google Scoot is very similar except that you are using Technology, specifically Google Slides. (However for this activity, if you don’t have computer access, you can also print out the slides, pass one out to each student and have them write their answers!) Each student or pair of students have their own computer that has a Google Slide with a question or problem on it. Students move to one another’s computer to answer the question via drag and drop or text boxes!
What grades can I use it with?
Best for grades 3 and higher!
What Materials Do I need?
You just need access to the Google Slideshow provided below. The access I granted is view only. So before starting, you will need to go up to File-> Make a Copy. This will add your own copy to your Google Drive and then you can edit it as needed!
And ideally you would have one laptop or iPad per student…. BUT ****Note if you do not have enough devices, students can partner up OR you can print out the slides. If you print them, just hand out one to each student. Students will still scoot from one seat to the other and write their answers!
So What’s Google Scoot Library Orientation?
Every year, I try to come up with a beginning of the year activity that my students haven’t seen yet. It’s always harder for me to do this with the older kids because I’ve had them for many years and I straight up just don’t know how to engage them in ice breaker type activities sometimes.
I discovered Google Scoot as a fun way to get to know the students and their reading tastes and created my own game specifically tailored to Library Media!
It definitely took some practice getting the logistics down, but the kids really enjoyed learning about each other in a fun way. I also like to join in and play so the kids can learn new things about me.
Here are some examples of questions that I ask the students!

If you like to give Google Scoot a try, Click below to download for FREE!
P.S. I also included a slide with directions for how to set up and play!
Comment below with any questions or tell us how it went in your classroom!